How to Get Personal Training Clients: 11 Tipsto Grow Your Fitness Business

n this article, you'll discover 11 effective tips that you can use today on how to get personal training clients and grow your fitness business.

Mohamed Alaoui
June 3, 2023

In short πŸ‘‡πŸ½

How to Get Personal Training Clients: 11 Tipsto Grow Your Fitness Business

This article is proposed by Gymkee, the personal trainer software that allows you to deliver the best coaching experience to your clients while saving time and growing your personal training business.

Try Gymkee for free for 14 days

How to Get Personal Training Clients: 11 Tipsto Grow Your Fitness Business


Are you a personal trainer looking for ways to get more personal training clients?


(few trainers say no to the proposition of getting more clients)


So… you're in the right place.


In this article, I’ll share with you 11 effective strategies on how to get personal training clients, grow your fitness business, and provide exceptional coaching experiences.




Let’s dive in.


1 β€” Understand your target Market and find your Niche


Identifying your target market is the foundation of your business strategy, and finding your niche within that market can make your services even more attractive.


Here’s why:


A niche is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. In personal training, this could mean focusing on a specific demographic or type of training.


Start by asking yourself some key questions about your ideal clients:

  • What age group do they belong to?
  • What are their fitness goals?
  • What lifestyles do they lead?
  • Are they busy professionals, stay-at-home parents, retirees, or young athletes?


Your answers to these questions will help you understand your target market.


Once you have a clear picture of your target market, consider niching down further.


For example, if your target market consists of professionals in their 30s and 40s, you could specialize in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that deliver maximum results in minimum time, catering to their busy schedules.


Or perhaps you could focus on stress-relief exercises and mindfulness training, addressing work-related stress common in this demographic.


Niching down helps position you as an expert in your chosen area, making your services more attractive to individuals within your target market.


It allows you to tailor your marketing messaging and services to meet their specific needs and stand out from the competition.


By understanding your target market and establishing your niche, you can create a strong value proposition that resonates with potential clients.


This focus will not only help you attract the right clients but also deliver a service that truly meets their needs.


2 β€” Define your Unique Selling Proposition


Differentiating yourself in a saturated market is key… especially today with the crazy competition in the personal training business.


The key lies in your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Your USP isn't just about what sets you apart from other personal trainers, but why clients should choose you over the competition.


I’m currently reading the book of Alex Hormozi about how to create a grand slam offer and I think that a few things from the book can help you.


Alex Hormozi, in his book "$100M Offers", offers a powerful strategy: design your offer to address the specific fears and desires of your audience.


A compelling USP directly solves a key problem for your target market, providing a solution that is not just different, but superior in a way that truly matters to potential clients.


Imagine your target audience is women who have recently had a baby and are striving to regain their pre-pregnancy fitness levels.


(that’s a pretty good niche)


Their fears could include risk of injury, uncertainty about effective exercises, or concerns about not achieving results.


Their desires likely include feeling healthy, strong, and confident again.


Drawing from Hormozi's method, you could craft a USP that nullifies these fears and fulfills these desires.


For instance, your offer could promise:

  • Time-Bound Progress: "See improvements in strength and endurance within six weeks" β€” addressing the fear of not achieving results.
  • Safety and Comfort: A unique low-impact exercise routine designed for postnatal women, reducing the fear of injury.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: A refund if they don't see results after consistently following your program for a specified period, eliminating financial risk.
  • Personalization: A bespoke program tailored to the unique needs of postnatal women, ensuring effectiveness and relevance.


Your personal story or philosophy can further enhance your USP.


If you've undergone a significant fitness transformation yourself, your authentic, relatable journey can offer added credibility, making you an attractive choice for potential clients.


Remember to weave your USP into all your marketing efforts β€” your website, social media profiles, and client interactions.


A well-articulated USP anchors your personal brand, illuminating your unique value and the compelling reasons why clients should choose you over other trainers.


3 β€” Develop a Strong Online Presence


In our digitally-connected world, building a robust online presence is a must for personal trainers.


It's your primary platform where potential clients can find you, understand your services, and appreciate your unique approach to fitness.


Your online presence begins with a professional, user-friendly website. This is your online business card and the first impression most potential clients will have of you.


Make sure it clearly communicates who you are, what services you offer, and what sets you apart.


Include client testimonials and before-and-after photos (with their permission) to highlight your success stories.


While a strong website is vital, social media platforms such as YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok can dramatically expand your reach.


These platforms are fighting every day to get you to create and share content. In exchange, they’re willing to give you a lot of reach for free.


These platforms are perfect for sharing short, engaging fitness tips, exercise demonstrations, and updates on client progress.


However, while social media is a powerful tool, it's important to remember that you don't own these platforms or the follower bases on them.


That's why you need to build your own email list.


Having your own client email base allows you direct and dependable access to your audience, irrespective of any changes to social media algorithms or platform policies.


It allows you to communicate directly with your clients and potential clients, offering personalized content, updates, and promotions.


You can build your email list by offering a regular newsletter filled with valuable insights, tips, and exclusive content.


In exchange for their email addresses, your audience receives a steady flow of valuable content delivered straight to their inbox.


This strategy not only helps you grow your email list but also fosters a sense of community and trust with your audience.


In addition to newsletters, offering resources such as eBooks, blog posts, or online courses can also provide value to your audience and further establish you as an authority in your field.


Remember, maintaining a strong online presence is not a one-time task; it requires consistent engagement, regular content updates, and strategic planning.


But with time and effort, you can attract new clients, retain existing ones, and solidify your brand's position in the fitness industry.


4 β€” Β Use the power of Referrals


Referrals are one of the most potent tools for growing your client base.


For example, 18% of our monthly acquisition on Gymkee is due to referrals and word-of-mouth from our satisfied personal trainers.


Clients who are pleased with their progress and your service are often more than willing to share their positive experiences.


This makes them the best ambassadors and salespeople for your services.


A new client coming via referral is likely to have a higher level of trust and commitment, having heard about your expertise and results from someone they trust.


The thing is that your current clients will not do it by themselves. They need to be pushed.


To encourage referrals, consider implementing a referral program.


For instance, you could establish a system where each referral that results in a new client entitles the referring client to a free training session.


This not only incentivizes your existing clients to recommend you to others but also rewards their loyalty and strengthens your relationship with them.


Another example might be a points-based referral system.


For each referral, your client earns points that can be accumulated and redeemed for special rewards, such as a personalized training program, premium fitness equipment, or even a health-conscious gourmet meal delivered to their door.


Don't underestimate the power of simply asking for referrals either.


Make it known to your clients that your business thrives on word of mouth, and that you'd appreciate their help in spreading the word about your services.


To facilitate this, provide them with an easy-to-share link to your website or online booking system.


Also… remember to express gratitude for every referral you receive, regardless of whether the referred client signs up or not.


Always thank your client for their effort. This nurtures a positive client-trainer relationship and encourages them to continue referring others in the future.


In essence, a well-executed referral program can turn your satisfied clients into valuable marketing assets.


They can share your services within their network, expanding your reach and potentially bringing in a steady stream of new clients… for free.


5 β€” Provide the best coaching experience


You’re not selling fitness programs of nutrition plans… nope.


You’re selling results… and a unique experience to your clients.


Delivering quality experience goes beyond conducting effective workouts; it permeates every interaction you have with your clients.


Exceptional experience not only aids in retaining your existing clients but also boosts your reputation, making you more appealing to potential clients.


To ensure top-notch experience to your clients, consider the following:


Understand your client's needs and goals: The first step with a new client should involve understanding their fitness goals and expectations. This understanding enables you to create workouts tailored to their objectives and facilitates effective communication.


Communication is key: Regular, clear communication makes your clients feel valued and heard. This includes feedback about their progress, addressing their queries, and maintaining contact outside of your scheduled sessions.


Be careful with that part.


You have to deliver the best experience to your clients and be there for them… but you have to protect your own time.


You don’t need to be available 24/7 for your clients… for that, you need to put some rules in place.


We’ll share with you an article in the next few weeks about that.


Leverage technology: Utilizing a dedicated app can significantly enhance your service delivery. It can streamline communication, make scheduling easier, and provide a platform for clients to monitor their progress.


We'll delve deeper into this aspect in the final tip.


Be reliable and professional: Always be punctual and prepared for your sessions in-person or online. Clients invest their time and money in your services, and a lapse in professionalism can quickly tarnish your reputation and client relationships.


Continuous learning: Stay updated with evolving fitness trends and techniques. Regular upskilling keeps you at the forefront of the industry, equipping you to offer the most effective and modern training methods.


Show genuine interest: Displaying a genuine interest in your client’s wellbeing and progress strengthens your relationships. Celebrate their victories, support them during challenging times, and remember the personal details they share with you.


Delivering exceptional experience makes your clients feel appreciated and cared for, motivating them to stay with you for the long haul and refer you to their networks, thus fueling the growth of your personal training business.


6 β€” Network with Other Fitness Professionals


Networking is a powerful way to expand your reach and grow your personal training business.


By connecting with other professionals in the fitness industry, you open doors to new opportunities, ideas, and collaborations.


Here's how networking can benefit you:


Sharing Knowledge and Experience: Networking offers an opportunity to share ideas and learn from others’ experiences. You can gain insights into new training techniques, client retention strategies, and business growth ideas.


Collaboration Opportunities: Collaborating with other fitness professionals, such as yoga teachers, nutritionists, or physiotherapists, can help provide a comprehensive service to your clients. It also opens up cross-referral opportunities.


Building Your Reputation: Actively networking and collaborating with other respected professionals can enhance your reputation in the fitness community. It shows that you're committed to your profession and are keen to stay informed and connected.


Access to Events and Conferences: Being part of a professional network often gives you access to industry events, seminars, and conferences. These platforms provide further learning and networking opportunities.


To start networking, join local and online fitness professional groups.


Attend industry events and reach out to other professionals for collaboration opportunities.


Remember, networking is about building genuine relationships, so always approach it with an authentic and open mindset. The aim should be to build a supportive community where everyone benefits.



7 β€” Build an Engaging Website


In today's digital age, having an engaging and informative website is a crucial aspect of your personal training business.


You can’t have a great business if you don’t have a website.


It acts as the centerpiece of your online presence, giving prospective clients a comprehensive look at your services, expertise, success stories, and more.


Here are some compelling reasons to build a website:


Showcase Your Services and Expertise: Your website is an ideal platform for displaying your training programs, qualifications, specialties, and unique approach. It allows potential clients to understand what they can expect from your services.


Share Success Stories: Client testimonials and success stories serve as powerful trust signals, demonstrating the efficacy of your services. They allow potential clients to visualize their own success under your guidance.


SEO Benefits: With effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies, your website can rank higher on search engine results, making you more discoverable to potential clients.


Collect Leads: Your website can also serve as a lead generation tool. By offering valuable resources like fitness guides or nutrition tips in exchange for visitors' contact details, you can build an email list.


This list can then be used to engage potential clients through regular newsletters and updates.


Ease of Contact: Your website should make it easy for prospective clients to contact you. I still see many trainers asking to potential clients to send them a message on Instagram… that’s not good for you.


You’ll lose so much time answering the same and the same questions again and again.


Make sure to put all the information on your websites, add an FAQ section and always redirect to your website.


Believe me, you’ll save a ton of time.


To allow your potential clients to contact you, make them fill out a form using Typeform.


Platforms like Webflow, Wix, and WordPress offer user-friendly tools to help you create a professional and visually appealing website.


For a detailed guide on how to build a website, you can refer to our previous article, How to Build a Personal Trainer Website: A Comprehensive Guide.


8 β€” Β Use client Testimonials


Client testimonials, particularly visual ones showcasing progress and transformation, are a powerful tool for illustrating your skills and success as a personal trainer.


Real-life examples of your clients' achievements provide solid proof of your expertise, build trust with potential clients, and can inspire others to embark on their fitness journey.


Here's how you can leverage client testimonials:


Showcase on your Website: As mentioned earlier, your website is a fantastic platform for displaying client testimonials.


Dedicate a section to these success stories, complete with before-and-after pictures or transformation videos, to highlight the real and tangible results your clients have achieved.


Share them on Social Media: Client testimonials, especially visual ones, tend to perform exceptionally well on social media.


These transformation stories can resonate with your followers, potentially sparking their interest in your services and attracting new clients.


Ask for Video Testimonials: Video testimonials are incredibly impactful. They give a face and voice to your client's success stories, making them more relatable and persuasive.


Always remember to seek your clients' permission before sharing their testimonials or progress pictures.


Additionally, when sharing success stories, avoid promising specific results, as each person's fitness journey is unique and results can vary.


Instead, emphasize the hard work your clients put in and the supportive role you played in their fitness journey.


9 β€” Offer Free Workshops, Webinars or live workout


Offering free workshops, webinars or live workouts is an effective way to attract new clients and build your reputation as a knowledgeable and caring personal trainer.


These events provide an opportunity for potential clients to experience your training style, get valuable fitness advice, and interact with you, all without any commitment.


Here are some benefits of hosting free workshops or webinars:


Demonstrate Your Personal Training Expertise: Workshops and webinars allow you to share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise in real time. It helps to build trust and credibility with your audience.


Attract Potential Clients: Free events often attract individuals interested in fitness but unsure about committing to a personal trainer. By offering a valuable and enjoyable experience, you increase the chances of these individuals becoming paying clients.


Boost Your Visibility: These events can boost your visibility within your local community or online. Participants may recommend your services to others, providing word-of-mouth marketing.


Also, platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are pushing for lives.


Collect Leads: During registration for the event, you can collect the contact details of participants. This allows you to follow up with them after the event, provide additional value, and potentially convert them into clients.


You can host these events in person, in a local community center or park, or online, using platforms like Livestorm, Instagram Live, YouTube Live or Zoom.


The key is to deliver high-quality, valuable content that addresses common fitness questions or concerns.


Remember, the goal of these events is not to sell your services but to provide value and build relationships. The clients will naturally follow.


10 β€” Β Collaborate with other businesses


Collaborating with local businesses or other professionals within the fitness industry can significantly expand your reach and bring in new clients.


It's a win-win situation where both parties benefit from the increased exposure.


Here are some ways to collaborate:


Joint Events or Workshops: Partner with a local business to host a joint event or workshop. This can introduce you to a new audience and provide additional value to your current clients.


Cross-promotion: Cross-promotion involves recommending each other's services to your respective clients. This can be done through social media shout-outs, newsletter mentions, or offering exclusive discounts to each other's clients.


Guest Blogging or Podcasting: This is so underrated. If the business you're collaborating with has a blog or podcast, offer to contribute as a guest.


This gives you a platform to share your expertise with a larger audience and can drive traffic back to your own website or social media channels.


Referral Programs: Like I shared earlier in this article, don’t sleep on referral. You can do referral with your clients… and with other businesses.


Create a referral program with the other business. Offer their customers a special deal or discount if they sign up with you, and vice versa.


When looking for collaboration opportunities, aim for businesses that align with your values and have a complementary audience.


For example, if you specialize in nutrition, you could collaborate with a local health food store.


Always ensure that any collaboration is mutually beneficial and offers real value to your clients.


11 β€” Β Use app for your personal training and leverage technology


Embracing technology can help you optimize your services, save time, and provide a better coaching experience for your clients.


From mobile apps to management software, the right tools can streamline your processes and help you stand out in the competitive personal training market.


Here's how technology can help:


Improved Client Experience: Fitness apps can make workout plans and tracking more accessible and engaging for your clients. They can check their workout plans, track their progress, and interact with you from their smartphones, making the coaching experience smoother and more interactive.


Efficient Management: Management software can help you automate administrative tasks such as scheduling, billing, and client communication. This frees up more time for you to focus on what you do best – coaching your clients.


Personalized Coaching: With the right technology, you can easily track your clients' progress and personalize their training plans. This tailored approach can lead to better results and client satisfaction, encouraging client retention and referrals.


Expanding Your Reach: Online coaching allows you to reach clients beyond your local area. With a good online coaching platform, you can provide effective coaching to clients anywhere in the world.


There are numerous fitness and business management tools available today, but choosing the right one can make a world of difference.


Gymkee, for instance, offers an all-in-one platform for personal trainers, providing features for program creation, client management, progress tracking, and more.


With such tools at your disposal, you can take your personal training business to the next level.


Try it for free for 7 days, no card required:

πŸ‘‰ Try the software for personal trainers Gymkee


By incorporating these tips into your business strategy, you can get more clients for your personal trainign business, optimize your processes, and provide the best possible coaching experience.


Remember, the key to a successful personal training business lies in delivering value, building relationships, and continuously improving your services.


If you have any question, feel free to send an email to !


Take care.Β 

How to Get Personal Training Clients: 11 Tipsto Grow Your Fitness Business

This article is proposed by Gymkee, the personal trainer software that allows you to deliver the best coaching experience to your clients while saving time and growing your personal training business.

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This article was written by

Mohamed Alaoui

CEO @ Gymkee